Six Web Design Trends, You Need Now!!!

Jigisha Dave
5 min readDec 1, 2022


Online searches are the most common way for website visitors to become potential customers.

And with 1.5 billion active websites, it is obscure for you to stand out.

A great web design, however, can help your business stand out from the competition. Thereby, staying up-to-date with the latest web design trends is inevitably essential.

Here are some web design trends that allow you to stand out from the competition.

Let’s take a look!

1 Organic Shapes

Shapes are powerful elements in web design that thrive in building visual identity. Of all others, organic shapes grow a sense of deep connection to the world around us, as it is all about using natural and substantial elements to invoke the perception of being plunged into nature.


Organic shapes contrast with precise geometric lines that illustrate the sense of synthetic and technological elements.

However, organic designs use voluptuous imperfect line work to represent more natural and organic forms.

These comprise shapes that include nature shapes like flowers, leaves, butterflies, clouds, etc. with irregularity to define comfort, unification, and approachability.

Some designers even use organic shapes to make the website look more stylish and contemporary.

2 Interactive 3D elements

3D technology has become well-established in various divisions like gaming, movies, smartphones, and AR-VR. This technology when considered with web design can do wonders.

When the majority of websites look flat, your website infused with 3D elements can instantly catch the eye. It can also create a more engaging interface with a more elaborate experience (eg, a 360-degree product view).


The interactive 3D design has a lot of practical applications that can provide the viewers with a sense of tactility, deepening their experience with the brand to stay more connected.

3 Micro-interactions

Seth Godin once said, “Every interaction, in any form is branding.” And it is so true with the micro-interactions on your website.

The only purpose for involving micro-interactions in your web design is to create a jiff that engages the ‘human’ user.


To include micro-interactions, you need to consider TrRuFeeL (Trigger, Rule, FeedBack, and Loop). It begins by initiating the micro-interaction that might be user-initiated or system-initiated, followed by ruling the feedback and continued by a loop.

The main benefits collected by a website with micro-interactions are;

  • Improved website navigation
  • Instant and relevant feedback on the users’ actions
  • Escort users’ attention
  • Generates a rewarding user experience

4 CSS grid

The CSS grid is a layout solution that allows you to control the size and placement of grid items. It provides flexibility in web designing to achieve any layout needed by web designers.

CSS grid works best by diving up the major portions of a page into smaller parts by positioning the correlation between elements concerning size and position.

There are five basic terminologies when you work on a CSS grid; columns, rows, cells, grid lines, and gutter.


Using all these spaces afresh, you can create any imaginative grid without any complicated installs or plugins.

5 White Space

White space, also known as breathing space or negative space, is much more than the empty space between website elements and content.


Considering the white space, it is critically important to design the websites, so it balances the page’s design, content, and elements, eventually improving viewers’ perceptible experience.

More of the images and content on the screen generates more stimuli at once. This causes a delay, accurately a negative delay, in visitors’ response to your call-to-action buttons. Maintaining a reasonable white space, allows the visitors to take the moment in decision-making.

Along with this, the correct use of fonts and spacing between the words, letters, sentences, and paragraphs, refines the legibility and readability of the content.

6 Dark mode

The dark mode is one big trend. You know it when colossal companies like Google, Instagram, Spotify, WeTransfer, MasterClass, and WhatsApp have already embraced this trend.


Black is anything but neutral, and it evokes powerful emotions.

It should be counted in the evolution milestones of better user experience as there are several pragmatic advantages when the viewers are provided with dark mode vs light mode.

It straightforwardly reduces the problems associated with vision and headache for the average viewer, who spends about 43% of waking hours on screen per day.

Wrap Up

The web design industry is growing continuously, and so are the competition and user expectations. Thus, for any business, to increase brand awareness, connect with customers and magnify sales, it is inevitably important to stay up-to-date with the ongoing trends in web design. Here is how the use of eminent design web design can affect your business:

👍 It establishes a solid foundation of originality and eloquent harmony

👍 It creates visual triggers

👍 It quickly transfers the message

👍 It is an effective way of story-telling

👍 It sets up an emotional appeal

👍 It makes interactions simple and faster

Curious to know other web design trends? Read:

Which trend do you like the most? Comment below with your suggestions! 💬

